After the stupid idea of #CoronavirusChallenge, some teenagers run around licking toilet seats to be famous on social media.
A young man filmed himself licking public restroom toilet seats to have some fun is now living a nightmare as consequences of his stupid and dangerous idea.
here is his video
WTF!! Really!! Licking toilets now!!
— Gabe Slaybaugh (@GabrielSlaybau1) March 23, 2020
After his action, he is sharing with us a picture of himself hospitalized and claims he’s tested positive for coronavirus.
A kid who licked toilets as part of the #CoronaVirusChallenge says he's now in the hospital with coronavirus. @gayshawnmendes was also just suspended from twitter
— Pardes Seleh (@PardesSeleh) March 23, 2020
A few “likes” on TIKTOK is not worth killing yourself over.